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Damage Breakpoints

Damage Breakpoints

While I understand that when powering up past level 30, the DPS of your Pokemon doesn't increase substantially, there has been discussion what are the various sweet-spot levels to power up to. While all these depends on both the defender types, their levels and their...

Realistic Dodging update, now with more realism!

Realistic Dodging update, now with more realism!

So its been two weeks since the realistic dodging update was pushed out and I've gotten a ton of feedback. Unfortunately, no one can agree what realistic dodging means! Some people don't like how much I penalize the super effective text. Others wanted faster moves to...

Realistic Blissey Counters Revisited

Realistic Blissey Counters Revisited

My recent post on Realistic Blissey Counters generated quite a few comments on reddit. Most of these comments had to do with the way Overall rating was calculated.Overall rating is composed of 50% Power, 30% Combat Time and 20% Potions.  The issue comes down to, how...