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Hoopa Unbound Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Hoopa is back for a moment again! It’s a decent raid attacker, but won’t see much action in PvP. Bugs? Just use bugs. It’s typing makes it double allergic to bug attacks, so even a generally weak typing like bug gets to shine here!...
Shadow Regirock raid guide
Download full size inforgraph here. Shadow Regirock has arrived! It’s too big for great league, and not the best for raids, but maybe you like it, and want to use it in ultra league? Gotta catch em all! Necrozma is a top counter, and the Dawn version shines in party...
Enamorus Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Enamorus is back! A little longer this time, it sees a little action as a fairy type raid counter, but it’s not really lighting up the PvP rankings. What to use? Some big steel names come out, with some electric hitters, since it is...
Mega Gallade Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Mega Gallade is here! Gallade has a decent spot in PvP, it’s a bit outclassed in PvE but still shows up as an accessible option for many. It’s a pretty easy win for a couple people with good counters, any pokemon week to flying falls...
Mega Latios Raid guide
Download full size infograph here. Mega Latios is Back! It already shows up occasionally on top counter charts, and as a Mega it's going to have some play. It's my first perfect legendary, so mine will get even more use as a Mega. I don't see it playing out in PvP,...
Genesect Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Genesect is here, how badly do you want it? Genesect is okay for PvE sometimes, but it often depends on what kind of hidden power you get rather than the special charge moves, unless you are battling Hoopa, then all the bugs are...
Shadow Regice Raid Guide
Download full size inforgraph here. Shadow Regice is here! It's shiny, kinda. I mean yes, it's neat, I don't have one and would like one. Will I use it? Not for PvE, for PvP it has a place in ultra league, but it's so weak to some very popular pokemon there that you...
Mega Beedrill Raid Guide
Download full size Infograph here. Mega Ampharos is here, do we need one? Well, everyone wants do have a full dex don't they? For raids, it's one of the rare mega electric to boost your raid partners when needed, but what about its dragon side? There are much better...
Palkia Origin Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Palkia, the water dragon is here! It's going to be a good addition to your PvE raid squad, and you want that shiny. It has made some noise in PvP, never know when it will be the flavor of the month! The dual typing only leaves dragon...
Dialga Origin Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Dialga Origin is here! It's a great shiny, super useful in Master League PvP, Grunt battles, and a top counter in many raids. All your friends want them in trades, so you really want a few of these things. Fighters and Ground rule...