The spreadsheet you have long waited for is finally there 🙂
- Target Input sheet: enter the defender, its moves, how much % of fast and charge moves you will dodge, and the raid boss tier (enter 0 if it’s not a raid boss but a regular gym defender).
- There are two percentages for dodging charge moves, in order to take into account the bug (or feature?) where the “Super Effective!” text delays the charge move announcement and makes dodging much harder.
- Optionally, enter your trainer level (default = 28 assuming you only use attackers level 30 or below) and your reaction time for charge moves (default = 0.7 seconds).
- Attacker Ranking sheet: it can be ranked by TDO% (relative Total Damage Output before fainting), DPS% (relative Damage per Second), Total Effectiveness (a combination of TDO and DPS) and finally by Raid Score, a heuristic I have devised to rank raid attacker effectiveness, which takes TDO into account but heavily punishes non-optimal DPS (because raids are mainly about not timing out).
- Raid Attackers sheet: it ranks relative Raid Score percentages against all Tier 3 and 4 raid bosses (each with a representative moveset) and can be sorted by boss and by overall Attacker Value.
- Candy Value sheet: I have copied there the average ranking of each relevant attacker and calculated how much is a candy worth and how much is a buddy km worth. The buddy winner is by far Geodude, because at 1 km/candy it generates the very best raid attacker against Charizard, Arcanine and Flareon (and against a lot of similarly typed legendaries, by the way) and a decent option against Jolteon.
Nuts and (Thunder)bolts
What is taken into account:
- New Type Effectiveness multipliers.
- Dodging fast moves (recommended for normal defenders only): if “Dodge fast moves” is greater than 50%, the Attacker Ranking sheet suggests how many fast moves fit between the defender’s fast moves and it compares efficiency with and without dodging.
- Dodging charge moves, including the effect of the attacker’s own fast move duration and the effect of the defender’s forewarning between animation start and “yellow flash”.
- Overcharge for single-bar charge moves: unlike most spreadsheets, this one takes into account that single-bar charge moves effectively waste half a fast move because all energy beyond 100 is not used.
- Overkill and overkill avoidance for all charge moves: unlike most spreadsheets, this one takes into account three issues with charge moves:
- Sometimes a charge move overkills the defender;
- Sometimes, to avoid overkill, the attacker has to delay the charge move and kill the defender with the (less efficient) fast move;
- Sometimes the attacker faints with the charge bar half full before being able to use its last charge move.
- Energy gained by the defender when being hit, in order to calculate the fast/charge damage ratio (important for split-type movesets).
What is NOT taken into account (maybe in the next version…):
- Energy gained by the attacker when being hit (not incredibly relevant for regular gyms but probably more important for raids).
- Rounding bonus that favors quick low-power fast moves (e.g. Fury Cutter) over slow high-power fast moves (e.g. Dragon Tail).
Credits to /u/vlfph who made the original CP efficiency calculator until v4.0. I just walked his spreadsheet for some more hundred km and then evolved it 🙂
Walk Geodude.
Choosing the moves on the Target Input tab makes you pick from a dropdown of EVERY move. That’s too much. If you go to ‘Move Name Checks’ and put in the following formula:
=unique(filter(‘Moveset assignment’!D2:D,’Moveset assignment’!B2:B=’Target Input’!A2))
Then suddenly your Target Input tab will only show moves available to the selected Pokemon.