Welcome to Pokebattler Articles, the world’s most accurate Pokemon Go battle and raid analysis site featuring in-depth articles, raid guides, infographics and more!
We’re always updating, refining, and adding to Pokebattler to ensure we are the most accurate simulator around. Make sure you stay updated.
Regirock, Regice, & Registeel Raid Guide and Infographic
Download Printable High-Res Infographic Interactive Custom Raid Guide Registeel Interactive Custom Raid Guide Regice Interactive Custom Raid Guide Regirock How to use this infographic: Slight methodology...
Massive Server Bug in Pokemon Go
I don't normally like to create such inflammatory articles, but this time it's absolutely warranted. Something is wrong with the Pokemon Go servers and the results are unexpected. Read on to find out what, or look at the image above closely for spoilers,...
DTC Pokemon Go Fest Guide
Chicago Pokémon GO players are excited to represent our city by hosting Pokémon GO Fest, this time in Lincoln Park. Trainers on DTC, the largest local Discord, have sourced a lot of insider information about the city and the play area that we’d love to...
Pokebattler vs. In Game Autosuggest with a Jynx Solo, and new full raid simulation Battle Parties!
Video Transcript: Welcome to another Pokebattler raid video. This is going to look at the difference between the game’s autosuggest and Pokebattler’s suggestions with a Jynx Solo and we’re going to...
Raid Boss Attacker Rankings
There never seems to be enough stardust is there? While everyone likes to have that level 40 specialized attacker, sometimes we must power up those that will help us over and over again (No I in Team right?). After reviewing "The best generalists for each weather...
Latios and Latias Raid Guide and Infographic
Download the print-friendly high res infographic here Interactive Raid Guides for Latios and Latias. It's been a while since we've done one of these as we haven't had any exciting new legendaries in a while. But April 2nd brought two new dragon/psychic type mons:...
Determining Which Gyms will Get you Ex-Raid Passes for Mewtwo: Part 2
In my earlier article, I outlined how EX raid eligible gyms are determined based on OSM data from 2016 and level 20 s2 cells. In this article, I will explain how we can use that information to generate a custom Google Map showing which gyms are eligible for EX raids,...
We Have Rayquaza Duo Contest Winners!
For our main contest, the first Rayquaza duo (weather boosts allowed) congratulations to Hexadecimal37 and VictorCorto! Here is their lineup: Hexadecimal37: Articuno: 2899 25/15/15 Frost Breath Ice Beam...
Rayquaza Duo Challenge: We have winners!
EDIT: We have winners! Updating with a new blog post now! It's time for another exciting Pokebattler Pokemon Go contest! The last one was quite popular so we thought this time we'd kick it up a notch. We...
Rayquaza Raid Guide and Infographic
Downloadable Printable Infographic Custom Raid Results for Rayquaza The time has come for Rayquaza and with it dawns our Rayquaza Duo Contest. So we've designed this infographic with a special section just for duo-ing while also including normal counters for Rayquaza...