Welcome to Pokebattler Articles, the world’s most accurate Pokemon Go battle and raid analysis site featuring in-depth articles, raid guides, infographics and more! 

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Pokebattler PVP Tournament at Chicago Go Fest!

Pokebattler PVP Tournament at Chicago Go Fest!

Exciting news for our fellow Pokebattler fans going to Chicago this weekend! Pokebattler has teamed up with Replay Lincoln Park and Phoenix Creative Collective to host a Pokemon Go PvP Tournament using Pokebattler.com/pvp. We'll have different brackets and prizes for...

DTC Pokemon Go Fest Guide

DTC Pokemon Go Fest Guide

Chicago Pokémon GO players are excited to represent our city by hosting Pokémon GO Fest, this time in Lincoln Park. Trainers on DTC, the largest local Discord, have sourced a lot of insider information about the city and the play area that we’d love to...

Raid Boss Attacker Rankings

Raid Boss Attacker Rankings

There never seems to be enough stardust is there? While everyone likes to have that level 40 specialized attacker, sometimes we must power up those that will help us over and over again (No I in Team right?). After reviewing "The best generalists for each weather...