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Choose Your Prestigers (and Attackers) v8.1
Here's the spreadsheet. TL;DR: Fill in Target Input and get the results in RBE and RDPS list. Sort by Total Eff (best). TL;DR and too lazy to fill in: the sheet Prestiger Values already has rankings against the most common defenders. TL;DR and too lazy even to open...
Underrated Prestigers #3: Noctowl is the new Pidgeot
TL;DR: Noctowl is a very tanky generalist prestiger and it packs a punch against Snorlax. Some long-time players may remember the times when Pidgeot with Wing Attack / Hurricane was considered the best commonly available prestiger. In particular it was excellent...
Dittostrat 2.0: Wigglytuff is still the best prestiger against Ditto (assuming no switching)
I made a simple calculator that shows how Wigglytuff is the 9th-fastest and the 5th-most revive-efficient prestiger against Ditto. Assumptions: - We are going for 1000 prestige, so we need to attack a level-N Ditto with a level-N/2 Pokémon. - No attacker...
Underrated Prestigers #2: Don’t sleep on Raticate! (Gen2 version)
This is the second post in the Underrated Prestigers series (first post here: Lanturn and Poliwrath). Before Gen2 release, everyone knew that catching Rattata was not only useful for the Youngster medal, but with Bite / Hyper Beam it was actually a good...
Underrated Prestigers #1: Lanturn and Poliwrath can satisfy 80% of your prestiging needs
This is the first post in a series that I will call Underrated Prestigers. I wrote this first post during the Water Festival, so the main characters are two Water Pokémon: Lanturn and Poliwrath. According to my CP efficiency calculator, these are their relative...
New defender rankings based on *real* gym battles (not simulations). Alpha testing (V0)
Note: Please read explanations before coming to any conclusions about this. Introduction You may remember me for my Quantitative gym defender rankings series where I used simulations to rank defenders while accounting for type based on survey data. I am now taking...
A Study on Spawn Mechanics – Biomes, Pots and More!
Ok, so over the last little while I've done a study on how Pokemon spawning actually works in Pokemon Go. My study took place in Southern Ontario in Canada, and comprises 449 spawn points over nearly four days, for 93-94 spawns at each point and 41829 total Pokemon...
All Hail the Water Festival
And on the 22nd day of March at 1PM, the Niantic Gods smiled upon us trainers and showered us with water Pokemon of many kinds. First the rumors spoke of just Magikarp, Squirtle and Totodile. But then appeared Tentacool, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Seel and perhaps even some...
50 Shades of Cheating
We at Pokebattler are Pokemon purists. We don’t cheat. No spoofing, no maps, nothing. When we heard that Niantic was putting a lot of resources into stopping all forms of cheating, we didn’t mind. We felt like maybe their resources would have been better spent...
Best prestigers against Dragonite, based on 3 million battle simulations
TL;DR Scroll down to the table in the middle of the post. If you've already read my previous threads on CP efficiency for Snorlax, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Exeggutor, or Lapras, skip the intros and go to the new section on Measuring efficiency. Noob's intro to how...