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Pokebattlers Terrakion Raid Guide
TerrakionTerrakion - The Cavern Pokémon Terrakion is the second in a Legendary Trio ( +1 Mythical) of deer-esque Pokemon! They are a Gen 5 crew all themed around the members of the Three...
Pokebattler’s Cobalion Raid Counters
CobalionCobalion - The Iron Will Pokemon. Cobalion is the first in a Legendary Trio ( +1 Mythical) of Deer-eque Pokemon! They are a Gen 5 crew all themed around the members of the Three Musketeers....
Pokebattler’s Comprehensive Regirock Raid Guide!
RegirockRegirock - The Rock Peak Pokemon Regirock is a member of the Legendary Titans/Golems from Hoenn. These Pokemon all have design elements inspired by Braille, which was incorporated in a puzzle you...
Pokebattler’s Comprehensive Registeel Raid Guide!
RegisteelRegisteel - The Iron Pokemon. Registeel is a member of the Legendary Titans/Golems from Hoenn. These Pokemon all have design elements inspired by Braille, which was incorporated in a puzzle you...
Pokebattler’s Comprehensive Regice Raid Guide!
RegiceRegice - The Iceberg Pokemon Regice is a member of the Legendary Titans/Golems from Hoenn. These Pokemon all have design elements inspired by Braille, which was incorporated in a puzzle you had to...
LecsMaster Takes #1 in the World and Wins 8 Round Tournament
If you would like to support me, please donate here https://streamlabs.com/kieng or on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/pogokieng) Join my Discord - https://discord.gg/rTPDwJn Thank you Joao for the layout and...
Darkrai Shadow Ball vs. Dark Pulse Analysis
Darkrai has come to Pokemon Go Raids as a Tier 6 Boss. Darkrai is the #1 Dark type Pokemon in the game and has two viable special attacks, Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball. Over 300,000 sims were performed to analyze how...
Pokebattler’s Comprehensive Darkrai Raid Guide! [Tier 6]
Darkrai [Tier 6][UPDATED 10/18/2019 Darkrai with Tier 6 HP] Darkrai is the counterpart to Cresselia, making up the Lunar Duo! A bizzare one to be sure, as Darkrai is categorized as a Mythical Pokemon (among...
Pokebattler’s Comprehensive Darkrai Raid Guide!
DarkraiDarkrai is the counterpart to Cresselia, making up the Lunar Duo! A bizzare one to be sure, as Darkrai is categorized as a Mythical Pokemon (among Mew, Celebi and Jirachi). They create involuntary Nightmares everywhere they go and had some of the most powerful...
Testing CMP
If you would like to support me, please donate here https://streamlabs.com/kieng or on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/pogokieng) Join my Discord - https://discord.gg/rTPDwJn As a huge Pokemon Go fan, I've logged...