50 Shades of Cheating

50 Shades of Cheating

We at Pokebattler are Pokemon purists. We don’t cheat. No spoofing, no maps, nothing. When we heard that Niantic was putting a lot of resources into stopping all forms of cheating, we didn’t mind. We felt like maybe their resources would have been better spent...
Preparing for a Day of Pokemon

Preparing for a Day of Pokemon

We at Pokebattler take catching Pokemon seriously.  We will dedicate a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to some hardcore catching whenever we have extra time. It’s a fun way to get exercise and spend sometime outdoors. And we’ve learned a few tricks about how...
Gen 2 Release: Here’s what we know

Gen 2 Release: Here’s what we know

Blissey is truly Blissful Blissey tops almost all our rankings and makes the likes of Dragonite and Snorlax look like a chump. If you were lucky enough to get at least 50 rare Chancey candy, do not hesitate to evolve your best Chancey. If not, now’s the time to walk...