by KiengIv | Nov 24, 2020 | Go Battle League, PVP
Get 68% off NordVPN! Only $3.71/mo, plus you get an additional month FREE at Or use coupon code: pogokieng Merchandise – Go Battle League Submission –
by Jace | Nov 24, 2020 | Infographics, Raid, Raids, Tier 5 Raid Guide
Uxie Raid GuideUxie- Knowledge Pokémon
Personalized Uxie Counters
Uxie Infographic Uxie is weak to the following types: Bug, Ghost, Dark. Generally speaking, the best counters for it are:Darkrai, Chandelure, and Giratina. Uxie can be beaten by 2 players in optimal...
by Jace | Nov 24, 2020 | Infographics, Raid, Raids, Tier 5 Raid Guide, WWW
Mesprit Raid GuideMesprit- Emotion Pokémon
Personalized Mesprit Counters
Mesprit Infographic Mesprit is weak to the following types: Bug, Ghost, Dark. Generally speaking, the best counters for it are:Darkrai, Chandelure, and Giratina. Mesprit can be beaten by 2...
by KiengIv | Nov 23, 2020 | Go Battle League, PVP
Today we take a look at the raw damage coming from Shadow Aerodactyl in the Kanto Cup! Your Alolan Marowak is not safe in Pokémon GO Battle League! #GOBattleLeague #KantoCup #PokemonGO
Live Stream
PvP Resources
by JFarmakis | Nov 23, 2020 | Go Battle League, Master League, PVP
HO-OH will change the Master League Meta with its new Move INCINERATE! Follow us on twitch where we do majority of our battles! —- Twitter: @JFarmakis_pogo, @ScrubLordDustin JOIN OUR DISCORD: BUY A JFARM PIN HERE:...
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