Regigigas – The Colossal Pokémon
Regigigas is the Trio leader of the Regi Trio (who were, oddly, introduced earlier than it by an entire Generation). All of which are a polymerization of Hebrew Golems and … Braile. Regigigas in mainstream Pokemon has never been particularly strong. It is similar to Slacking, where they actively nerfed its combat utility in exchange for giving it high base stats. No such nerf however exists in Pokemon Go. This gives Regigigas more potential to shine, despite being a Normal-Type, which don’t usually see much use outside of gyms.
Regigigas is weak to: Fighting Damage.
Generally speaking, the best counters for it are: Machamp, Breloom, and Hariyama.
Release History:
- 11/2/19 [Paid Quest]
- 11/18/19 – 1/7/20 [EX Raids]
Regigigas In the Meta
Raid Meta – Hidden Power +
Giga Impact
Regigigas was set to be another Legendary that bemoans being disallowed in gyms, as well as the lack of Normal-Type damage being useful in Raids.
But then they gave Giga Impact 200 base damage.
Regigigas actually manages to function as a sort of generalist. This also means their usefulness increases against Raid Bosses where fewer super effective counters exist, such as Normal-Types like itself! Which is why it comes up as #6 here. It’s a strange niche given it doesn’t hit super effectively, but an interesting one.
- Easiest moveset by a TON. Almost half as many deaths needed to do it with Thunder vs Giga Impact.
Focus Blast:
- Mewtwo, Heracross and Toxicroak appriciate the resistance they get.
Giga Impact:
- Hardest Moveset because stab and it is a monster attack once it gets off. Bulk means nothing to this move so the Glass Cannon pokemon like Breloom actually perform better since they don’t die any sooner.
Top Raid Counters
Best Moveset: Counter /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Machamp stands as the Pokemon with the longest cumulative duration it has spent as a raid boss, being one of the very first AND most frequently returning. If you’ve been playing long enough to participate in Tier 3 raids it’s likely you have a Machamp or a dozen. They also have been an incredibly useful Fighting Type since the game’s inception.
It is likely soon going to be outclassed as a Fighting-Type by many Gen 5 Pokemon (assuming they get good moves). Machop currently can be found in nests. Machamp was last a raid boss 11/7/2019 .It was last in Raids 0 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Machamp you need 3 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Breloom evolves from the very common Shroomish and has higher pure DPS than Machamp or Makuhita. It is quite frail though. Shroomish currently can be found in nests. Breloom was last a raid boss 7/8/2019. It was last in Raids 129 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-Resists: Electric
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Breloom you need 3 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Hariyama is cheaper to evolve up than Machamp, requiring less candy and a more common Pokemon (with nearly identical practical performance) Makuhita currently can be found in nests. Hariyama was last a raid boss 11/4/2019. It was last in Raids 9 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Hariyama you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Toxicroak is an unexpectedly great Fighting AND Poison Raid Attacker. Croagunk is moderately uncommon outside of cloudy weather. Croagunk was last a raid boss 11/4/2019. It was last in Raids 9 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-Resists: Fighting
-2xWeak: Psychic
With Level 35 Toxicroak you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Close Combat
Raw Damage:
Heracross is a Regional Exclusive Pokemon limited to Central and South America. It’s arguably the most useful Regional, having been among the best Fighting Types (and soon to be obliterated down the rankings once the incredible gen 5 Fighting-Type Pokemon get released). You can get them in 5K eggs acquired within its spawn region as well.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power / Giga Impact
-Resists: Fighting
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Heracross you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Hidden Power Fighting /
Giga Impact
Raw Damage:
Better not use them against Focus Blast! Otherwise, they are pretty good against themselves due to Giga Impact just having an absurdly high raw damage. The only way to have one is through these Raids or the Colossus Discovery paid event.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Weak: Fighting
With Level 35 Regigigas you need 4 players.
Weather Counters
Pokemon | Weather | Fast Move | Charge Move | Estimator |
![]() Overcast |
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2.5 | |
![]() Overcast |
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2.6 | |
![]() Overcast |
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2.7 | |
![]() Overcast |
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2.7 | |
![]() No Weather |
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2.9 |
Alternate Raid Counters
Best Moveset: Counter /
Power Up Punch
Raw Damage:
Riolu is an egg exclusive Pokemon sadly, one of the absolute rarest and highly desired ones in fact. It was added October 2018. It isn’t easy to power up and has a walking distance of 10k. There are increased chances of finding one in a 7k Alolan egg instead of normal 10ks. You also have better chances if you get difficult Adventure Sync eggs. if you collect your weekly adventure sync reward and have earned the 50k distance, AND have an available egg slot, you will get an egg with a skewed hatch pool.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Resists: Normal
-Weak: Fighting
-Canceled: Psychic
With Level 35 Lucario you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Low Kick /
Close Combat
Raw Damage:
Raltz were featured in Aug-2019’s community day. They are a decently accessible spawn in cloudy weather. Gallade can only evolve from Male Raltz however which have a 50% rate. Kirlia was last a raid boss 8/31/2019. It was last in Raids 75 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Resists: Fighting
-Canceled: Psychic
With Level 35 Gallade you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Blaze Kick
Raw Damage:
Accessibility: ☆☆☆☆☆
Blaziken was featured in Community Day May 2019. Torchic currently can be found in nests. Blaziken was last a raid boss 11/4/2019. It was last in Raids 9 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Blaziken you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Bullet Punch /
Meteor Mash(legacy)
Raw Damage:
Its Legacy Moveset (Meteor Mash) was made very available during its community day in October 2018. Trading is the only way to acquire it right now. Non-Legacy Metagross can still be obtained however. Hopefully it will come back during a December Community Day event. Beldum was last a raid boss 11/1/2019. It was last in Raids 12 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Dark / Thunder
-2xResists: Psychic
-Resists: Normal
-Canceled: Fighting
With Level 35 Metagross you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Mud Slap /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Golurk is a brand new Pokemon and incredibly rare in the wild.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power / Giga Impact
-2xResists: Electric, Fighting, Normal
With Level 35 Golurk you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Low Kick /
Focus Blast
Raw Damage:
Emboar is a brand new Pokemon from gen 5! They are the final stage of Tepig, the Fire Starter. It does pretty alright as a Fighting-Type but is very new and hard to acquire. They are not currently known to nest or hatch from eggs.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Emboar you need 4 players.
Best Moveset: Fire Spin /
Raw Damage:
Chandelure is incredibly hard to get right now. It was released September 17th, and you can only get Litwick from 10k eggs! During Halloween 2019, Litwick was featured as a reward in the Spiritomb quest.
It is the new highest DPS Ghost AND Fire-Type.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Dark / Thunder
-2xResists: Fighting, Normal
With Level 35 Chandelure you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Zen Headbutt /
Dark Pulse
Raw Damage:
Accessibility: ☆☆☆☆☆
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Resists: Fighting, Psychic
With Level 35 Deoxys_Attack_Form you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Counter /
Cross Chop(legacy)
Raw Damage:
Accessibility: ☆☆☆☆☆
Legacy Cross Chops Mankey was last a raid boss 11/4/2019 .It was last in Raids 9 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Primeape you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Confusion /
Doom Desire
Raw Damage:
Jirachi can be obtained from the “A Thousand-Year Slumber” Special Research. Among other things, this entails: catching 3 Whismur, evolving a Feebas, getting the Gold Hoenn Medal, catching 50 psychic/steel Pokemon, winning 5 raids, and spinning Pokestops 7 days in a row.
Jirachi is a top tier Steel-Type attacker, but NOTE, it is also fantastic in PVP. If you power up your one Jirachi above 1500cp, it will become ineligible for Great League.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-2xResists: Psychic
-Resists: Normal
-Canceled: Fighting
With Level 35 Jirachi you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Karate Chop /
Brick Break
Raw Damage:
Magmortar evolves from Magmar, and requires a Sinnoh Stone to Evolve. You can acquire them at random from daily Trainer Battles and Research Breakthroughs. Magmar currently can be found in nests. Magmar was last a raid boss 11/4/2019 .It was last in Raids 9 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Giga Impact
With Level 35 Magmortar you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Rock Smash /
Dynamic Punch
Raw Damage:
Accessibility: ☆☆☆☆☆
Poliwag is a very common Pokemon that has been available since the games launch. Poliwag currently can be found in nests. Poliwag was last a raid boss 8/6/2019. It was last in Raids 95 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power / Giga Impact
-Weak: Electric, Psychic
With Level 35 Poliwrath you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Rock Smash /
Brick Break(legacy)
Raw Damage:
Hitmonchan was last a raid boss 3/27/2019. It was last in Raids 233 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Dark / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Hidden Power / Giga Impact
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Hitmonlee you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Sucker Punch /
Focus Blast
Raw Damage:
Accessibility: ☆☆☆☆☆
Shadow Claw is legacy, but if you were lucky enough to play during Gengar Raid Day, Lick is just as good. Hex is a bit of a drop, but still usable. Gengar isn’t too difficult to acquire with Gastly nesting and being a common night spawn, as well as being featured in annual Halloween events. Gastly are in 2k Eggs and can be shiny. Gengar is still great without the legacy move, but much less likely to be optimal. Gastly currently can be found in nests. Gengar was last a raid boss 10/25/2019 .It was last in Raids 15 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power / Focus Blast
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-3xResists: Fighting
-2xResists: Normal
-Weak: Psychic
With Level 35 Gengar you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Dragon Breath /
Raw Damage:
Latios was last available April 2019 in raids, and August 2019 in Research Breakthroughs. Latios was last a raid boss 4/22/2019. It was last in Raids 207 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Hidden Power Bug / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-Resists: Electric, Fighting, Psychic
With Level 35 Latios you need 5 players.
Best Moveset: Low Kick /
Wild Charge
Raw Damage:
Electabuzz is available from “Use a Super Effective Charged attack in 7 Gym battles” quests, and does nest, but hasn’t been featured much in events. You also need a Sinnoh Stone to evolve, which can be acquired at random from trainer battles. Electabuzz currently can be found in nests. Electabuzz was last a raid boss 6/18/2019. It was last in Raids 142 days ago.
-Best Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Thunder
-Worst Matchup: Zen Headbutt / Giga Impact
-Resists: Electric
With Level 35 Electivire you need 5 players.
Closing Thoughts
Regigigas is a bizarre pokemon, and possibly the first Normal-Type attacker that can see any use in Raids. If Normal-Type damage ever becomes valuable for any reason, you will want one of these in your pocket.
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