Mewtwo is one of the most iconic and formidable Pokemon from Gen 1, boasting fantastic stats and moves. It was created as a hyper-offensive clone of Mew to be used by Team Rocket as a weapon. That-didn’t go as planned. It is perhaps best remembered for it’s role in Pokémon: The First Movie where it duked it out with it’s progenitor.
In Pokemon Go, Mewtwo stands out as the top choice as a Psychic-Type, as well as a capable option as a Fighting, Electric and Ice-Type. It’s got plenty of use in Raids as well as Gym offense!
Mewtwo is weak to Bug-Type,
Dark-Type, and
Ghost-Type damage.
Generally speaking, the best counters for it are Giratina-Origin, (legacy) Gengar and (legacy) Mewtwo..
Mewtwo is a very difficult pokemon to beat with 2-Players. At level 35, Best Friends need to hope to fight Psychic Movesets to have a chance. Otherwise your best best are amping up towards level 40 Gengar and Giratina-Origin, or hoping for Foggy Weather. Gengar and Giratina-Origin are critical to pull of duos.
Mewtwo can be beaten by 2 players in optimal weather, with max friendship and perfect level 40 counters or by 5 unfriended players using level 20 counters from this guide. When caught, Mewtwo will be between 2294 and 2387 cp without a weather boost. In Windy weather, Mewtwo will be between 2868 and 2984 when caught.
Release History:
- Sep 16 2019
Sep 23th 2019
- Sept 20 2018
Ocr 23, 2018
- Sept 2017
Sept 19 2018[EX]
Event STARTS [1pm Local Time]
Event ENDS [1pm Local Time]
Event Info
Time for the third week of Global Challenge Rewards!
Week 3: A Unova Unveiling
All your research has paid off! Professor Willow has informed us that some Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region are now appearing in the world of Pokémon GO!
Date + Time
September 16, 2019, at 1 p.m. to September 23, 2019, at 1 p.m. PDT
- Mewtwo with the special move Psystrike will be available to challenge in five-star raids. If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Mewtwo!
- Need a good team to take on Mewtwo? Other Pokémon appearing in raids will help you build a good team to challenge the Genetic Pokémon.
- The Gear Pokémon Klink, originally discovered in Unova, will also appear in raids. You might even encounter a Shiny Klink!
- You may also find Shiny Patrat and Shiny Lillipup!
- 2× Incubator effectiveness
- Regional Pokémon Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, and Tauros will hatch from 7 km Eggs. If you’re lucky, you might hatch Shiny ones! These Pokémon will remain available from Eggs until the end of week 3
Mewtwo in the Meta
Raid Meta –Confusion/
Psychic OR
Mewtwo is the undisputed best Pure Psychic-Type champion with Psychic. During it’s September 16-23 release it given the exclusive move of Psystrike as well. Both of them on average have near identical performance. Psychic is a single bar charge move however, and Psystrike is two bars-meaning Psystrike at the very least is more consistent in how much damage you output.
Either way, Mewtwo is far and above the best Psychic-Type pokemon at the moment. There are arguments Espeon and Alakazam are cheaper alternatives with Lugia as the king of tanky Psychic-Type damage- but Mewtwo is holistically the strongest option.
Raid Meta –Psycho Cut/
Ice Beam
Ice Mewtwo is a weird one. Prior to Gen 4, Mewtwo stood as the best Ice-Type just because no other Ice-Type had the statline to compete. Ice-Types previously had only found relevance when facing a double weakness, such a Rayquaza, but were unable to compete against other Pokemon outside of that. As of now though, Mewtwo slips behind the likes of Mamoswine, Weavile and Glaceon. If an Ice-Type weak Raid Boss [Dragon, Grass, Flying, Ground-Types] is hitting Ice-Types for weakness [Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel-Type damage] Mewtwo can easily become the #1 option.
Ice-Type Raid Attackers
Raid Meta –Psycho Cut/
[[Other Movesets]]
Mewtwo has viability with Thunderbolt, Flamethrower and Focus Blast in their respective Types of damage. But as a raid attacker is suboptimal, and this is not suggested. Fire-Types especially have a huge amount of alternative options with higher damage. Focus Blast Mewtwo also does atrocious against Dark-Types.
Gym Meta –Psycho Cut/
Focus Blast
Focus Blast Mewtwo is one of the absolute best Gym Attackers in the game. It can take down a maxed out Blissey without dodging, and is notably fantastic for not being weak to any of Blissey’s movesets. Confusion/Dazzling Gleam is a bane for Fighting-Types, but Mewtwo can just shrug it off.
Raid Advice
Flamethrower (2 Bar) – Resisted by Giratina-Origin
Bug-Type Pokemon have
Ice Beam (2 Bar) – Hardest Moveset, purely due to hitting the #1 counter (Giratina Origin Forme) Super Effectively.
Thunderbolt (2 Bar) – Next hardest because most of it’s counters don’t resist it at least. Resisted by Giratina-Origin though.
Psychic (1 Bar) Dark Types surge against this moveset, but still fall behind Giratina.
Focus Blast (1 Bar) – Gengar surges against this moveset, argubly the easiest moveset.
NOTE: [Sept 2019 Event]
Raid Bosses do not usually use temporary movesets during combat, despite being available upon capture. It is unlikely you will fight a Mewtwo that has Psystrike.
Top Raid Counters
Giratina Origin

Raw Damage:
Giratina-Origin was released April 2019. While it is legendary, it is the best Ghost-Type around and an Okay Dragon-Type, so a worthwhile investment! NOTE: Giratina-Altered form is nowhere as good. With Level 35 Giratina Origin, you need 3 players.2xResists: Fighting
Resists: Fire, Electric
Weak: Ice

Raw Damage:
Shadow Claw is legacy, but if you were lucky enough to play during Gengar Raid Day, Lick is just as good. Hex is a bit of a drop, but still usable. Gengar isn’t too difficult to acquire with Gastlys nesting and being a common night spawn, as well as being featured in annual Halloween events. Gastly are in 2k Eggs and can be shiny. Gengar is still great without the legacy move, but much less likely to be optimal. With Level 35 Gengar, you need 3 players.
3xResists: Fighting
Weak: Psychic

Raw Damage:
(legacy)Mewtwo is pretty inaccessible. Shadow Ball is locked to Mewtwos that were caught during its time in EX Raids, and it lost that moveset upon wider release. Trading for one is probably the most likely way you’d be able to get one of these, and you can use the candy you got from catching Armored Mewtwo to power it up. Losing it’s moveset used to be more unfortunate, but there are quite a lot of alternative Ghost-Type options at this point so don’t sweat it too much. Giratina Origin Forme is usually superior. With Level 35 Mewtwo, you need 3 players.
Resists: Psychic, Fighting

Raw Damage:
Accessibility will be a bit tough if you are only starting now as Larvitars do not nest and are rare. They are also in 10k eggs. Tier 4 Tyranitar Raids were a staple for quite a while, however. Larvitar can be found in ‘Make 3 Excellent Throws in a Row’ Quests. The family was last in raid bosses during Water Festival in Sept 2019. Larvitar community day (the only time you could get Smack Down) was June 2018. It isn’t the highest raw DPS Dark-Type anymore, but it has a ton of bulk on top of near optimal DPS. Weavile and Honchkrow trade with it depending on the matchup. With Level 35 Tyranitar, you need 3 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Fire
2xWeak: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Weavile evolves from Sneasel, which is an uncommon Pokemon (that does still nest), and is an occasional 2 star raid boss. They hatch from 5k Eggs. It requires a Sinnoh Stone to evolve, which can be acquired (at random) from daily trainer battles. Sneasel has been featured in Winter Time events and Dark Events. Weavile has been a reward from “Catch 5 Poochyena or Houndour” quests. Sneasel can also spawn from Glacial Lure Modules. Weavile is generally the top Dark-Type in terms of raw attack power. While it looks frail, it can honestly tank a lot more than you’d expect-especially if we’re talking Psychic-Type damage. It also tops the charts as a Ice-Type attacker so is definitely worth acquiring. With Level 35 Weavile, you need 3 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Ice
Weak: Fire
2xWeak: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Absol is a Raid (and very rarely, Field Research) exclusive Pokemon. That means you can only get its candy from raiding, or walking it as a 5k buddy. Rare candy is an option too but a bit inefficient. It has been spawning in the wild, and in 10k Eggs, during Shiny Mewtwo Week starting September 9th 2019. The family was last in raid bosses during Sept 2019 (Tier 4).
Absol is a B list Dark Type, with similar DPS to Tyranitar, while having far less Bulk. It’s not optimal, but it’s quite a popular pokemon, and has a good attack stat. With Level 35 Absol, you need 3 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Weak: Fighting
Weather Counters
Here is a list of Pokemon that can perform similar or better than the typical #1 option (in this case, Giratina Origin Forme) with weather bonuses:
Pokemon | Weather | Fast Move | Charge Move | Estimator @ L35 | ||||
Giratina Origin Form | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Shadow_Claw | ![]() |
Shadow Ball | 1.9422203 | |
(Legacy) Gengar | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Shadow_Claw | ![]() |
Shadow Ball | 2.135399 | |
(Legacy) Mewtwo | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Psycho_Cut | ![]() |
Shadow Ball | 2.1885993 | |
Tyranitar | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Bite | ![]() |
Crunch | 2.315955 | |
Giratina Origin Form | ![]() |
NO_WEATHER | ![]() |
Shadow_Claw | ![]() |
Shadow Ball | 2.3209536 | |
Weavile | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Feint_Attack | ![]() |
Foul Play | 2.3553143 | |
Pinsir | ![]() |
RAINY | ![]() |
Bug_Bite | ![]() |
X Scissor | 2.4002895 | |
Houndoom | ![]() |
FOG | ![]() |
Snarl | ![]() |
Foul Play | 2.4174366 |
Alternate Raid Counters

Raw Damage:
Houndoom ha the benefits of being a Dark-type that doesn’t involve a ton of extra work to evolve and find as a high level. You can find Houndour weather boosted in the common Sunny weather! It’s also a relatively common research reward as well. Houndour hatch from 5k Eggs. With Level 35 Houndoom, you need 3 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Fire, Ice
Weak: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Pinsir is one of the most accessible pokemon, that is nonetheless top tier in it’s typing. You don’t need to evolve them, they can be found at high levels in the wild, they nest- they got a lot going for them. The Legacy Moveset while often a smidge better isn’t something to stress over. Notably they do not currently hatch from eggs. With Level 35 Pinsir, you need 3 players.
Resists: Fighting
Weak: Fire

Raw Damage:
Raikou was available during it’s Raid Day, so it’s actually very likely you are holding onto one right now. That said, it is a legendary pokemon, which are expensive to get candy for. It’s a top tier Electric-Type, and a decent Ghost-Type! With Level 35 Raikou, you need 3 players.
Resists: Electric

Raw Damage:
Shuppets are uncommon but not too hard to find- and they nest, so getting some hopefully wouldn’t be too outlandish. They aren’t boosted in a common weather like Gastlys though. It’s an ok Ghost-Type but almost always inferior to Gengar. You can also find them in 5k eggs. With Level 35 Banette, you need 4 players.2xResists: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Mismagius is pretty expensive to acquire. Misdreavus are uncommon, and you need a Sinnoh Stone to evolve one. You can get it from Trainer Battles, but most of Mismagius use cases are covered by Honchkrow and Weavile. Misdreavus can be found in 2k Eggs and does nest. With Level 35 Mismagius, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Yanmega is a Sinnoh Stone Evolution of an uncommon Pokemon, so not the easiest thing to get your hands on from scratch. They hatch from 5k eggs and do nest. With Level 35 Yanmega, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Fighting
Weak: Fire, Ice, Electric

Raw Damage:
Scyther are a nesting species, and have been featured as a relatively easy Tier 3 Raid boss a couple times. They also got boosted Spawns during the Bug Out event and are in 5k eggs. With Level 35 Scyther, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Fighting
Weak: Fire, Ice, Electric

Raw Damage:
Drifblim are pretty hard to get outside of the Halloween Event. Drifloon spawn very rarely by default, but really they are effectively limited to Windy weather. This weather is rare for most players making this not the most reliable way to get a floom to evolve. They have rarely been both in Tier 1 raids and “trade a Pokemon” Field Research. They are in 5k eggs. With Level 35 Drifblim, you need 4 players.
3xResists: Fighting
Weak: Ice, Electric

Raw Damage:
Carvanha was available in the Quest “Water Festival: Defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt” in Sept 2019. It also had boosted spawns during Water Festival 2019. The family was last in raid bosses during Water Festival in Sept 2019. They are in 5k Eggs. With Level 35 Sharpedo, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Fire, Ice
Weak: Electric, Fighting

Raw Damage:
Abra nest, are a common 2k egg hatch, and is boosted a ton during windy weather. Alakazam has a long history in raid bosses as a 3 star. With Level 35 Alakazam, you need 4 players.
Resists: Psychic, Fighting
Muk – Alola

Raw Damage:
Alolan Grimer can only be acquired from 7k Alolan Eggs. You can get them if you open a Gift when you have an available Egg Slot, but it is not guaranteed. While at first rare hatch, now it is in the most common category of 7k hatches. Its candy is the same as normal Grimer. Alolan Grimer came to eggs in June 2018. With Level 35 Muk – Alola, you need 4 players.
Resists: Psychic

Raw Damage:
(legacy)Metagross is a rare pseudo-legendary and doesn’t nest. Beldum can be found in 10k eggs, however. It was made very common and given the legacy move Meteor Mash during its community day in October 2018. With Level 35 Metagross, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Ice
Weak: Fire
Cancelled: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Ralts nest, and were featured in Aug-2019’s community day. They are a decently accessible spawn in cloudy weather and also hatch from 10k eggs. In addition Kirlia is no stranger to 2 star raids.They do not however nest. With Level 35 Gardevoir, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Fighting
Resists: Psychic

Raw Damage:
(legacy) Hydro Cannon Feraligatr is legacy, and can’t currently be caught/TM’d. Non-Legacy Totodiles got boosted spawns during Water Festival 2019. They are also in 2k eggs and do nest. With Level 35 Feraligatr, you need 4 players.
Resists: Fire, Ice
Weak: Electric

Raw Damage:
Scyther and Scizor have been featured a couple of times reducing the difficulty to acquire one. You need a Metal Coat to evolve Scyther into Scizor, which can be acquired either: VERY rarely from spinning a pokestop, in a pool of other evolution items on your 7-day streak spinning Pokestop (guaranteed to get at least one item), or from the Celebi Special Research 4/8 rewards. Scyther nest and are a 5k hatch. With Level 35 Scizor, you need 4 players.
Resists: Psychic, Ice
2xWeak: Fire
Cancelled: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Available from completing the “A Mythical Discovery” Special Research. Which might not be that easy if you are just starting the game. Requiring earning 7 candies walking your buddy, hatching 3 eggs, battling in 12 raids, being level 25, having the Gold Kanto Medal, Catching a Ditto, Evolving a Magikarp, among other trials. On the other hand, its something very accessible to anyone regardless of where you live and it’s likely many have acquired their Mew. Even so, after you get it you need to get the right moveset on it, which is a massive ordeal in itself and could take significantly more than your entire stockpile of TMs to get. No 20 TMs of each type is not nearly enough to have a high chance of this moveset. With Level 35 Mew, you need 4 players.
Resists: Psychic, Fighting

Raw Damage:
Palkia was a Raid Boss last during February 2019. It isn’t the best at anything, but has useful resistances that come with water. With Level 35 Palkia, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Fire
Cancelled: Ice, Electric

Raw Damage:
Spiritomb was only available Halloween 2018 as a special research reward. It is likely it will return annually, but that has yet to be confirmed. While everyone only has at most 1, it CAN be traded. With Level 35 Spiritomb, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Resists: Fighting

Raw Damage:
(legacy) Dark-Type Arcanine is not that useful, but can pull it’s weight. Growlithe are a 5k Egg hatch and do nest. Bite is sadly legacy. With Level 35 Arcanine, you need 4 players.
Resists: Fire, Ice

Raw Damage:
Murkrow are very common (although less so than they used to be), but are only weather boosted in Windy and Foggy-which are generally rare. Honchkrow also requires a Sinnoh Stone to evolve, which can be acquired randomly from your first Trainer Battle each day. You can also get a Murkrow from the Special Research “A Troubling Situation” part 1/4. They don’t nest and do not hatch from Eggs. With Level 35 Honchkrow, you need 4 players.
2xResists: Psychic
Weak: Ice, Electric
Cancelled: Fighting

Raw Damage:
Magikarp can spawn from Glacial Lure Modules, and Catch 10 Pokemon quests. It is also currently a Tier 1 Raid Boss as of writing. Gyarados has been available for years now, but has a hefty 400 candy cost to evolve. Magikarp got boosted spawns during Water Festival 2019. They hatch from 2k eggs and do nest. With Level 35 Gyarados, you need 4 players.
Resists: Fire, Fighting
2xWeak: Electric
Cancelled: Ice

Raw Damage:
Riolu is an egg exclusive pokemon sadly, one of the absolute rarest and highly desired ones in fact. It was added October 2018th. It isn’t easy to power up and has a walking distance of 10k. There are increased chances of finding one in a 7k Alolan egg instead of normal 10ks. You also have better chances if you get difficult Adventure Sync eggs. if you collect your weekly adventure sync reward and have earned the 50k distance, AND have an available egg slot, you will get an egg with a skewed hatch pool. With Level 35 Lucario, you need 4 players.
Resists: Ice
Weak: Fire, Fighting
Cancelled: Psychic

Raw Damage:
(Legacy) Moltres with Sky Attack is one of the best neutral DPS attackers in the game. It was only available during it’s raid day in Sept 2018. With Level 35 Moltres, you need 4 players.
Resists: Fire, Fighting
Weak: Electric
Cancelled: Ice

Raw Damage:
Skuntank is a pretty common spawn and not too difficult to evolve. It does not nest or hatch from eggs, but is boosted in Cloudy Weather. With Level 35 Skuntank, you need 4 players.
Resists: Psychic
Cancelled: Fighting
Closing Thoughts
Mewtwo is an incredibly powerful Pokemon, and Niantic has blessed it with an incredibly diverse movepool. It can use its huge base stats to make use of any of them! But with its current moves, it excels best as a pure Psychic-Type or an offbrand Ice-Type attacker. Outside of Raids it is one of the absolute best Gym Attackers around!
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